How to use KenyaCountyFactApp: the CRA (Commission of Revenue Allocation) county fact sheets in the palm of your hand.
This application brings the Kenya
County Fact Sheet to the palms of your hands. The application consists of two
main pages. The first one been the list of counties
and the second one been a tabbed
page divided into five sections
1. Constituencies –this gives the constituency
information about the county and the voters registered for the last general
election. The data is displayed both in table form and graphical for
2. County information: this tab shows all the
facts about the county, they are divided into five, general information that
deals with population mainly, health and education that focuses on medical and
educational facts, funding per capita this shows how funds have been allocated,
access to infrastructure this show facts how amenities are distributed and
finally service coverage show how various services are been offered
3. Fund allocation: this shows how CDF and
rural electrification allocation funds have been issued since 2005
4. Map: show shows the county map and the
population density
This application it good for decision makers, people interested in
know how their various counties are faring on, and also for general knowledge on progress in various counties
The applications will be updated on a batch series, in that when a
group on information in one of the four above categories changes it will be
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