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HACKER Edition pset1

How I come to tackle the hacker Edition of pset one...

My comments might not be that straight forward but feel free to comment.

I opted not to use the string class for the return type for the longToString() because I was getting issues when trying to do the conversion in the calculation for the digits.


   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <string.h>
   //method to get number of digis input but the user
   int lengthString(long long int cc);
   //Function to check the if the length is a valid length to proceed
   bool isValidLength(int numOfDigits);
   //Fuction that will use Luhns algorithim to check validity
   bool isValid(int numOfDigits, long long int cc);
   //Function that returns the card type
   int cardType(int numOfDigits, long long int cc);
   //function that converts the card to char array
   char* longToString(int numOfDigits, long long int cc);
   //function that will add two number
   int addDigits(int num, int numOfDigits);
   //function to display cardName
   void cardName(int num);
   int main (void)
     //stores the credit card value
     long long int creditCard = 0;
     //string s = "";
     int numberOfDigits = 0; // stores the number of digits that the user input
       printf("Number: ");
       creditCard = GetLongLong();
     }while(creditCard < 0);
     //getting the number of digit that the user input
     numberOfDigits = lengthString(creditCard);
     //checking if its valid lengthwise
     bool checkLength = isValidLength(numberOfDigits);
     if(checkLength == true) //if true  
       int result = cardType(numberOfDigits, creditCard); //check the card typep
       if(result == 404)
       else //if cardType not null
         bool checkValidity = isValid(numberOfDigits, creditCard); // check validity
         if(checkValidity == true)// if valid print cardType
         else // if invalid
   //function to get number of digits
   int lengthString(long long int cc)
     long long int quotient = cc; //assigning quotient to the creditcard number
     int counter = 0;  // counter for the number of digits  
     //loop through the number dividing by ten till the quotient is zero
     while(quotient >0)
       quotient = quotient / 10;  
       counter ++;  
     //return the number of digits
     return counter;
    Checking to see if the card length is valid. No need to proceed forward  
    when the length is not of a valid type
   bool isValidLength(int numOfDigits)
     if(numOfDigits >= 13 &&
       numOfDigits <= 16 )
         return true;
         return false;
     converts the digits to a char array
   char* longToString(int numberOfDigits, long long int cc)
     static char* stringCC; //static char pointer for array
     stringCC = (char*)calloc(numberOfDigits,sizeof(char)); // creating a dynamic array
     sprintf(stringCC, "%lld",cc); //populating char array with digits
     return stringCC;
     This function checks the card type are returns a string with the card type.
     If its not valid it returns NULL
   int cardType(int numOfDigits, long long int cc)
     char * stringCC;
     stringCC = longToString(numOfDigits, cc);
     //checking of American Express cards have 15 digits. Start with 34, 36
     if( numOfDigits == 15 && stringCC[0] == '3'  
       && (*(stringCC + 0) == '4' || *(stringCC + 1) =='5' || *(stringCC + 1) =='6' || *(stringCC + 1) =='7'))
       return 0; //AMEX
     //checking for mastercard length = 16 numbers start with 51, 52, 53, 54, 55
     else if( numOfDigits == 16 && *(stringCC + 0) == '5' &&  
         (*(stringCC + 1) == '1' ||*(stringCC + 1) =='2' || *(stringCC + 1)=='3' || *(stringCC + 1) =='4' || *(stringCC + 1) =='5'))
       return 1; //MASTERCARD
     //checking for visa number of digits 13, 16 start with 4
     else if( (numOfDigits >= 13 && numOfDigits <= 16) && *(stringCC + 0) == '4')
       return 2; //VISA
     //returns NULL if the none of the above is true
       return 404;
     This function will check the card using the Luhns algorithm. This functions only runs if all  
     the basic checks for card type have been passed.
   bool isValid(int numOfDigits, long long int cc)
     char * input = longToString(numOfDigits, cc);
     int sum = 0; //variable to hold the sum to the digits
     for(int i = 0, j = (numOfDigits - 1); i < numOfDigits; i++, j--)
       if(i % 2 == 1) // adds the even number
         int partialSum = ((input[j] - '0') * 2); //calculate partial sum
         if(partialSum > 9) // if partial sum is greater than 9
           partialSum = addDigits(partialSum, 2); // add the digits to the partial sum
         sum += partialSum ; //add partial sum to total sum
       else // adds the odd numbers
         sum += (input[j] - '0');  
     if ( sum % 10 == 0)
       return true;
       return false;
     This function will add digits together
   int addDigits(int num, int numOfDigits)
     char charArray[numOfDigits]; // create the char array
     sprintf(charArray, "%i", num); // populate the char array
     int sum = 0;
     for(int i = 0; i < numOfDigits; i++)
      sum = sum + ( charArray[i] - '0' );
      return sum; // returning the sum
     This function displays the card name
   void cardName(int num)
       case 0:
       case 1:

here is how I tackled the second mario problem

 //function used to print the spaces  
 void printSpace(int num);  
 //function used to print hash symbols  
 void printHash(int num);  
 int main()  
   int input = 0; //variable to hold the value the user enters  
     printf("Height: ");  
     input = GetInt();  
   }while(input < 0 || input > 23);  
   //looping through to create the structure    
   for(int i = 1; i <= input; i++)  
     printSpace(input - i); //add spaces  
     printHash(i); //add symbols  
   THis function will be used to print the number of spaces before the symbols  
 void printSpace(int num)  
   for(int i = 0; i < num; i++)  
     printf(" ");  
   THis function will be used to print the symbols of spaces before the symbols  
 void printHash(int num)  
   for(int i = 0; i < num; i++)  
   printf(" ");  
   for(int i = 0; i < num; i++)  


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