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SMSMater for windows phone 7 and 8

SMSMaster V 1.0

This is a utility application that can be used to make you text-ing experience better, with better well formatted messages, this is the time to show your loved ones how you feel in a corny, funny, and happy way.

No more dry sms, time to spice up the outbox with messages that will make the receiving person feel touched...

The application is made of four sections:
1. Main page consisting of the list of categories that you can choose from, in the windows 7 version its list, but for the windows 8 version it will come with live tiles

2. There is a favorite page that holds all the favorite messages that you have selected and want to send to other later

3. The also is an about us page that give more information about the developers and also a feedback link

4. When a particular category is selected, scrolling through the messages is via swipe. in order to select a favorite message, click on the grey star at the top right. This will change the icon to golden and also place the message in the favorite list in order to access them later


With the new text to speech feature added, the windows phone 8 version will have a play button that reads to you the messages instead of having to read them all the time.


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