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Installing libssl1.0 on Ubuntu 22.04

Following the upgrade of distro from 20.04 to 22.04 the libssl packages got affected, this ended up causing my vpn client to fail. The client kept opening and closing immediately.  on futher investigation I found the issue as the libssl client. Attached is a screenshot of the message I was getting when I tries starting it from the terminal. Tring to install libsll1.0-dev from apt was generating the following error: Due to this installing the package was not viable via the regular way, I really didn't want to downgrade back to 20.04 as this could have meant a clean installation, and I had just come from doing that, as the upgrade wasn't successful, but I still needed to try out the new 22.04 features. Google been my best friend finally come through after a long search on how to install libssl1.0-dev. I ended up landing on this link  , here they gave some instruction on how to install libss1.0-dev. Below are the steps of installing libssl1.0-dev on ubuntu 22.04 for backward comp...
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What is kredoh : This is a mobile applications where one can easily and conveniently buy airtime.  kredoh can be accessed via the web  or   or via google play store  kredoh android app Kredoh is a product of   Bigmachini Enterprises What are the advantages of using kredoh : No transaction charge. Free Free Free Save money when you purchase airtime for 100 and above. Discount Discount Discount Fast & Easy.  It takes one step to buy airtime as compared to more than 5 steps when other methods are used Automatic reversal on failure Buy for other networks from mpesa and still enjoy the discount Allows buying airtime using FULIZA . What discounts does kredoh offer:  100 - 999 1% discount  eg. you will be charged KES 99  but receive 100 worth of airtime 1000 - 4999 2% discount eg. you will be charged KES 980  but received 1000 worth of airtime 5000 and above 3%...

Converting DateTime C# to DateTime.UTC javascript

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Creating PDF in MVC 5 using ITextSharp

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HACKER Edition pset1

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Why I think we should invest in agriculture as a nation first.

Agriculture has always been dear to me. From a tender age when I planted Tomatoes in a seedbed in our back yard, watching them sprout from the nursery that I had careful prepared. Life of a plant is an interesting thing. From a small tiny seed comes this beautiful plant. Transplanting them later, and watching them grow to maturity. I had forgotten how good that feeling was, I had always had it in me, and I enjoyed bringing new life to this world, plants. We as a nation need to secure food first in order to be able to move forward as a country, until a man’s basic need is fully satisfied, he is bound to poverty, having to work for food. Hence the call to invest in Agriculture, until a man doesn’t have to worry about feeding his family a man’s true potential cannot be seen. We need to break free of this chains poverty, the chains of thinking we can’t produce enough, the chains of seeking aid from the west. Yes our country can produce more than enough, with the right technology, ...