What is kredoh : This is a mobile applications where one can easily and conveniently buy airtime. kredoh can be accessed via the web kredoh.com or kredoh.co.ke or via google play store kredoh android app Kredoh is a product of Bigmachini Enterprises What are the advantages of using kredoh : No transaction charge. Free Free Free Save money when you purchase airtime for 100 and above. Discount Discount Discount Fast & Easy. It takes one step to buy airtime as compared to more than 5 steps when other methods are used Automatic reversal on failure Buy for other networks from mpesa and still enjoy the discount Allows buying airtime using FULIZA . What discounts does kredoh offer: 100 - 999 1% discount eg. you will be charged KES 99 but receive 100 worth of airtime 1000 - 4999 2% discount eg. you will be charged KES 980 but received 1000 worth of airtime 5000 and above 3%...
"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds!" - Bob Marley