Today we had a talk from Adam Nelson on entrepreneurship. I noted the following: 1. Challenge yourself, don't always give up easy. Make sure you fight till the end 2. Don't get used to changing horses mid-stream, unless the change is causing significant impact, always stay focussed. 3. Make sure your solution is sustaining, (roman profitable) it can get to support yourself and the business even if its minimal 4. always have a plan A, B and Z. plan Z should be the last option when all goes wrong and shouldn't be a stressful option, this can be family, friends, relatives 5. negotiate before it matters, negotiating early is a good thing, than waiting for later when the stakes might be high and you can' negotiate 6. Principle agent people, organization vs people. know when to pitch to a person in charge of a department than when to pitch from a whole organization 7. skill acquire extra skill along the line and don't just stay where you are, even if you ...
"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds!" - Bob Marley